I’m thrilled to present of my favourite songwriters, Sarina Partridge, who is coming to Nanaimo with her trio, Heartwood!
Join Heartwood Trio in Nanaimo for an afternoon community singing workshop, an evening storytelling musical, or BOTH!
3:00-5:00pm Vocal Workshop (in the Hall)
5:00-6:00 Potluck Supper
6:30-8:30 The Well Tree: an original storytelling musical (in the Sanctuary)
Workshop $40 / The Well Tree $30 / Combo $55 (Youth under 18: half price)
*No one turned away for lack of funds*
Heartwood is a trio of singers and instrumentalists (Sarina Partridge from Minnesota, Heidi Wilson from Vermont, and Willy Klemetson from Maine) creating new music born from time in wild places. With rich vocal harmonies and inviting lyrics, they create music in collaboration with the natural world and weave songs that invite people to join in the singing.
Vocal Workshop Immerse yourself in an experience of embodied, joyful, and connected singing with the skilled songleaders and facilitators of Heartwood. Sarina, Willy and Heidi will bring original, harmony-rich, accessible songs, speaking to the wild without and within. All songs will be taught in the oral tradition, no need to read sheet music to participate. All voices are welcome and needed!
The Well Tree Join Heartwood for an all-ages, immersive, participatory journey through song and story. The Well Tree is a three-person musical, accompanied by a ‘crankie’ - an illuminated, papercut, hand-cranked scroll. It is an original 'singing story' about wild journeying and remembering kinship -- the tale of a young woman moving beyond the fog of isolation to meet songbirds, snails and ancient trees as she travels through these unraveling times, finding her way home. The three members of Heartwood – Heidi Wilson, Willy Clemetson, and Sarina Partridge – are the actors, musicians and the crew that runs the crankie (created by papercut artist Jennifer Jones) – and the audience will be invited in to help sing pieces of the story.
The afternoon workshop will be in the church hall (entrance on Wesley St.)
The evening musical will be in the sanctuary, the prize venue of Nanaimo's singing culture, with its marvellous acoustics!
Heartwood will also be in Comox on May 25 and Victoria on May xx. Learn more at www.heartwoodtrio.com
Tickets are available now on Eventbrite, or if you prefer to pay by cash or e-transfer: please email sylvia@sylviahumble.ca
No-one turned away for lack of funds. If cost is a barrier, please email Sylvia
Please check out the Eventbrite page for videos and details.