Just because the choir season is over, who says we need to stop singing? I’m adding two more Mondays, Dec. 9 and 16, as themed workshops. All voices are welcome, regardless of experience.
On December 9 we will sing songs of hope, from songwriters like Melanie Demore, Ma Muse, Coco Love Alcorn, Heather Houston, Lea Morris, and I’m open to suggestions (email me at sylvia@sylviahumble.ca). See song list below.
On December 16 we will sing songs of peace, from some of the same songwriters - please email me your suggestions! Singing from 2 - 3:15, potluck and social to 4:15pm. All are welcome!
The cost is $20, by e-transfer to sylvia@sylviahumble.ca or cash at the door.
Songs of hope:
Tending The Spark - Heather Houston - click here for Heather’s harmony recordings
Imagine - John Lennon
Hallelujah - Ma Muse
Teach Your Children Well (my harmony video) Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young
Tiny Lights - Coco Love Alcorn
One Foot - Melanie Demore
Peace Train - Cat Stevens
Power of Kindness - Ma Muse
Just As You Are - Lea Morris (not about hope specifically but it makes me hopeful).