Knox United Church Choir Resources

I set up this page for you lovely Knox singers, to get familiar with and practice our songs for May 12 and 19 worship!

If you have any questions, feel free to email me at

A Dedication - Lea Morris

Lea sang this chant with us in the Easter weekend workshops and it’s such a beautiful, harmonic, positive song - I hope you love it as much as I do!

“Peace for all right now”

I purchased the sheet music and learning tracks from Lea’s website (see audio files and optional sheet music below).

Please note that Lea sings the bass part (and all parts) true to pitch. So basses, please go into your higher range.

Here’s Lea’s original recording on YouTube, although it is missing the Bass part:

Just As You Are - Lea Morris

Lea sang this song with us in the Easter weekend workshops, and so many people were touched, including me, that I decided to delve into it with my choir.

I purchased the sheet music (score) and learning tracks from Lea’s website and posted them here.

Basses, your part is not on the YouTube video but it is in the teaching tracks. Although Lea sings the part true-to-pitch, in her low range, please go into your upper range (an octave up from where you might guess, if you were singing super low).

Lean On Me - Bill Withers

A well-known song about friendship, for everyone to sing along to!

Here is a video of me and my choir singing this song at Knox last summer, with special guest Narissa Young!

Listen to the original recording by Bill Withers

Be The Light - Lea Morris (for May 19)

This song, inspired by inaugural youth poet Amanda Gorman, has been adopted by choirs worldwide!

I met Lea when I chose this song as a “practice teach” at my Community Choir Leadership Training in Victoria in October 2023, and asked her permission to post my teaching video on YouTube (below).

After that, I was thrilled to have the opportunity to collaborate with her at a series of workshops and concerts from Parksville to Victoria this past Easter weekend (her first visit to Canada)!

Note to bass singers: Lea sings the part true-to-pitch, in her low range, please sing in your upper range to match her pitch.

Here’s my teaching video from Victoria, with Dennis Donnelly and the Gettin’ Higher Choir directors Cathy Baker and Dick Jackson:

Power of Kindness - Ma Muse (May 19)

Here is a recording of this great singalong song, from last summer at my community singalong at Knox United Church.

I’m pretty sure it will be part of our May 19 music.

Long Time Sun - Snatam Kaur (May 19 blessing)

Here is a gorgeous mantra song from Snatam Kaur. We will sing it as a congregation.

Please note: we don’t sing the end part (Sat Nam).

Learn more:

Visit my Sing Again community choir page

Sign up for my newsletter to hear about my upcoming performances and singalong events

Sing along with my harmony videos and tutorials on my YouTube channel

Keep singing for the pure joy of it!