Join us for the season-end gathering of our Sing Again community choir circle, where folks from my Nanaimo and Parksville groups will join together to sing the songs we’ve been learning so far this year. A couple of pop songs (Here Comes The Sun, Seven Bridges Road) and some uplifting songs from the community singing movement that are short and easy to learn (Coco Love Alcorn, Ma Muse, Lea Morris, Sarina Partridge). This is not a concert, this is community singing - all are welcome to sing with us! Listeners are welcome too.
Song Circle: 1:30 - 3pm
Tea / Snack Potluck: 3 - 4pm
Special guest April Laurie will lead us in a vocal-play warmup, and join us on percussion while we sing the songs.
Stay for ginger tea and bring a finger-food snack to share in the potluck afterwards if you’d like!
Whether you do or do not consider yourself a singer, sharing the joy of singing is our human birthright. It's about connection, not perfection.
Suggested donation: $15 - no one turned away for lack of funds.
RSVP on Eventbrite - or just show up!